The best of care.

I strive to give my patients the very best possible dental care by placing two things at the forefront of my approach: excellent communication and using the most up-to-date knowledge and techniques.

Your Journey

To treat all my patients effectively, I need to get to know them as much as possible. Communication is key, and this discovery starts from before the first appointment. Working together helps us decide on what approach will serve you the best and this continues throughout the whole process.


Pre-appointment questionnaire.

We will understand all aspects of your medical history and background. Enquire about what direction you want to go with your dental care and any particular complaints you may have.

First appointment discussion.

We’ll go over the questionnaire as well as perform all our thorough preliminary checks.

Co-patient plan.

Next we will sit down and agree a plan. How to get and maintain your dental health, what treatments could works best and also when we might plan to do them - all to suit your needs.

I have worked with Dr Walberg for several years and I have found him a most conscientious and caring dentist. He has been on several clinical courses in both the UK and abroad and is a highly skilled and very able practitioner. 

Dr Amir Savage
(BDS, MFGDP DPDS, MFDS, MClinDent, Cert Perio, MRD,  MCGI FDS, FCMI FDTFEd, FInstLM FDS RCPS, Registered Specialist in Periodontics)


After Care

After care is a really important feature patient care and it’s integral that you don’t leave the dentist feeling like you don’t know how to look after any treatments or surgeries that you have undergone.

Onlay / Crown Preparation.

After the appointment when your tooth has been prepared for an onlay, I will have placed a temporary restoration so that your tooth does not become damaged and it maintains the health of the area.

Read more on crowns preparation aftercare.

Onlay / Crown Placement.

You should take care for the following 24 hours after the crown has been placed to allow the cement to fully set. This means you should avoid particularly hard, tough or chewy foods.

Read more on looking after crown placement.