Onlay / Crown Preparation

Immediately afterwards, you will still be numb from the local anaesthesia and so refrain from eating and drinking in order to avoid trauma injury to your lips, cheek and tongue. 

It is also normal to experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity to cold/ hot and biting pressures. This will settle after a few days as your mouth becomes accustomed to the temporary onlay/ crown.

This is also true for the shape of the temporary; it will be different to the original tooth and it may be slighter rougher with a different contour which can be magnified by your tongue. 

Keep the area clean by tooth brushing gently so as not to dislodge the restoration. I may have instructed you to floss the area or not. Please contact me if you’re not sure whether to clean in-between your teeth or not.

It is also very normal for small parts of the restoration to chip or wear. As long as you are not experiencing any discomfort then it is fine to leave until your second, fitting appointment. However if the restoration comes away completely, please keep any pieces and contact the practice. If not replaced, your tooth is at risk of developing sensitivity, decay or the definitive restoration not fitting as intended.

Finally, if your bite feels very uneven or you are in pain, including persistent sensitivity, please call the practice or contact myself to discuss this. 


Onlay / Crown Placement


Porcelain Veneers